I am minutes from the current venues for both events. See my map.
Hacking Convention, computer security conference, Computer security, DEFCON,
DEF CON, 23, 24, DEFCON 23, DEFCON 24, Paris & Bally's in Las Vegas, Nevada,
Black Hat, BLACK HAT USA, Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, NV, Briefings,
Presentations, Executive Summit, Training, Computer Security, Research,
Computer Technology, Hacking, Cracking, Phreaking, Information Systems,
Network Computing, Information Technologie, IT, Communications, Information
Security, IT Services and support, Solutions, Cryptographie, encryption,
grey hat, white hat, black hat, vulnerability, exploits, rootkit, backdoor,
trojan horse, virus, worm, spyware, botnet, logiing, firewall, application
security, network security, cyber security, Vulnerability analysis,
Exploitation, Security exploits, Social engineering, Vulnerability scanner,
Brute-force attack, Password cracking, Packet analyzer, Spoofing attack,
phishing, authentication, coding, programming, reverse engineering